Metal serial tag numbers have the state postal abbreviation, 2 letters followed by 4 numbers. Plastic serial tags have the state postal abbreviation, a letter and a number in either order, followed by 4 numbers. Dealers and markets may continue to receive metal serial tags at no cost through FY 2021 or until the available funds are expended. Flock ID tag numbers are the producer’s flock ID assigned by APHIS or the State followed by an individual animal number. APHIS is working with sheep and goat organizations to develop a plan for transitioning toward electronic identification to improve our nation’s ability to quickly trace exposed and diseased animals in the event of an outbreak.ĪPHIS discontinued the availability of no-cost metal tags for producers on 8/31/19. Producers will need to purchase the compatible applicator from the tag manufacturer. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), National Scrapie Eradication Program, is providing up to 100 plastic flock ID tags free-of-charge, to first time participants in the sheep and goat identification program through fiscal year (FY) 2021 or until the available funds are expended. Information on ordering official sheep and goat ear tags/devices: Print Information on sheep and goat identification requirements: